After creating this short film called ‘Jody & Spencer’ I believe I have gained many skills. For example we had to create logging sheets which allowed us to record down what shot size the scene was and if the video or audio recordings were good enough. Also it allowed us to record what to use and not use. The logging sheets helped a lot when editing as well because I could clearly see what number clip or sound to use. Also everything was in order which helped me put everything in the correct place. Also in the future I now know to make sure the logging sheets are neat and tidy because it really does help when it comes back to editing. We also had scripts that helped us to see what the actors would exactly say and where they would be situated. The script telling us what to do helped a lot because we then knew what to exactly do which wasn’t difficult. Knowing what the character said and what to film really helped because we were able to create a clear piece of filming. Also the script helped us create our own logging sheets because we were able to write clearly down what was being done.

With composition and shot sizes we were able to record at least every shot. For example we filmed CU, MCU, LS, MLS, MS etc. Being able to film these shots helped remind me how clearly different each are and how important it is not to mistake one for the other. In my opinion in this short film I helped create, some shots were not exactly what they were meant to be but I know know this and it helps me to clearly see for future filming. For composition I believe it was important to use the rule of thirds and as I’m still learning I don’t think I quite grasped that skill but I now know how to get the rule of thirds from filming  Jody & Spencer. In my opinion when I operated the camera I feel as if I positioned the camera in the right place for the shots but I do now know for future filming that composition is very important otherwise everything feels uneven and out of place.

When we recorded the audio I found it was very difficult to operate as you had to be in the right position and you needed to give time before and after recording so there was enough to work with. But I know this skill will soon become easy as it just needs practice. For example I realised when we filmed the shots we didn’t use a clapper board so when it came to editing I couldn’t just easily merge and clip and audio because there was no clap. So I now know how important it is to use a clapper board for the audio to be perfect. As you can see in a few shots the audio isn’t clear nor synced properly because of not using a clapper board. Also the audio not being clear then meant when the actors spoke they were really quiet so it was difficult to understand what they were saying. However I do believe we captured some good audio as for some shots we did use our hands to clap in front of the camera equalling some good audio captured.

When it came to editing I found that it was tricky to merge the footage and audio as they wouldn’t just merge easy so I had to do a different method which once I got the hang of was quite simple. I found this helpful because for future editing I now know an alternative way. I also found syncing the music as a backing track rather difficult as I had to altar the sound and its length so it would fit in but I accomplished how to do that as well. I set up my project on Adobe Premiere for the editing and I found that once I got used to all the different keys of it, it was really simple and handy to use. And now because I know how to use it properly I find that for the future when editing it wont be as time consuming.

Overall most of the shooting for the film went well but some of the shots were out of focus and not in the right shot size. Also when shooting I now know how important it is to use a clapper board otherwise this complicates a lot when editing. But I now know what I’m doing for future references. Also the log sheets were extremely helpful but in the future I now know to make sure they’re presentable otherwise it conflicts with editing. Because some of the log sheets weren’t readable it then took a lot of time when editing. I now know for the future not to do this otherwise it’s very time consuming.